Plan miasta Nebyliv

Nebyliv - Najnowsze wiadomości:

her_tea_leaves @ 2005-01-07t12:53:00

flowing on beneath a stellar bank & they pass on, strange carolers singing koliadky, shchedrivky, the whole earth rippling beneath their feet, their strewn wheat & feathers. my ancestors return to the seventh heaven of bnebyliv/b, ...
źródło: BlogSearch

political angst.

i thought of my grandparents' families in bnebyliv/b, all probably taking the train to l'viv just to be there, & i thought, they're having a revolution & i'm writing theoretical papers. it was stirring. i would get little tears in my eyes ...
źródło: BlogSearch

political angst.

I thought of my grandparents? families in Nebyliv, all probably taking the train to L?viv just to be there, & I thought, they?re having a revolution & I?m writing theoretical papers. It was stirring. I would get little tears in my eyes ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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